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Sunday, November 24, 2013

18 Days & Counting

The countdown is on, and has been for a couple of weeks now.  Part of me feels as if I shouldn't be counting down the last days, as these will be the last 18 days that I will ever be pregnant.  The other part of me is ready.

I've said it before and I'll say it again...I just don't make a good pregnant person.  As being a woman and mother who lives with the constant fear of losing a baby, because I've already been there once...the fear sometimes consumes me.  The worry consumes me.  This pregnancy has been emotionally by far easier than my pregnancy with Cameron.  This pregnancy has however been physically by far a lot harder than my pregnancy with Cameron.

We still don't have a picture outfit.  We still haven't even packed our bags.  I have grumped at friends for not having their bags packed (or at least a list made) by this point.  And what I have done?  None of the above.  I haven't even made a list of things to pack to go to Granny and Papa's for Cameron.  I REALLY should get on the ball.

Holidays are approaching fast and furious...and in a frenzy, I am trying to get everything done with our Christmas shopping by the end of November.  And it just doesn't look all that promising. 

Nesting has FINALLY kicked in, and I think it's driving Adam nuts...he's not the only one though, because it's about to drive me nuts too.  I hate cleaning....HATE it.  And yet, I feel like nothing can be clean enough right now. 

I'm also a little stressed about this whole breastfeeding business this time around.  We didn't do it with Cameron.  She's formula fed, and I'm perfectly fine with that.  In fact, that was my choice.  However, for expense purposes, we are going to try to breastfeed/pump & bottle feed Evyn this time around.  We were supposed to go to a class last week and this week (2 nights - 2 1/2 hours each night).  When we couldn't find the place last Tuesday, we called and found out they have a new facility now AND the class was canceled.  When I inquired about doing a make-up since we are delivering prior to the December class, I was told the price of the class is going to be double, and is going to be on a Saturday or Sunday.  I'm having a REALLY hard time with it being double, so I think I am just going to enlist the help of my mama friends who have done this and the hospital, and we're going to roll with it. 

18 days though...18 days until we get to meet this sweet little girl.  And I. CAN'T. WAIT!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

One Month til Go Time!

Our repeat C-section has been scheduled for December 12th for a while now.  I'll be 37w2d.  We delivered Cameron at 37 weeks due to my high anxiety, and we have decided to deliver Evyn around the same time.

Part of the preparation of delivering at 37 weeks with Cameron was to do betamethasone (steroid) shots to help better prepare her lungs.  We decided to do the same again this time with Evyn too. 

Luckily, we haven't been to triage any during this pregnancy...knock on wood!  By this time with Cameron, I can't tell you how many times we had was a lot though.  However, to get my steroid shots, I had to go to L&D to receive them.  My MFM told us not to do them earlier than 32 weeks and no later than 34.  So, I opted to do them at the end of last week, which put me between 32 & 33 weeks.  My regular Dr. submitted the order on Monday at my appointment and I went for my first shot on Thursday evening after work.  They came back and got me rather quickly and took me back to triage, and sat me in a room with a recliner.  I didn't make myself comfortable, because I honestly thought I would be in and's just a shot, right?

An HOUR later, they finally came and got me to administer the shot.  The nurse proceeds to interrogate me about why we are doing the shot.  Honestly, what does it matter to her?  I answered all the questions, even though I really didn't have to.  She takes me to another room and tells me I am going to lay on the bed.  That confused me...why do I need to lay on the bed for a shot that is going into my butt?  I did it though...she said it was because it made it easier to administer the shot.  I could tell no difference.  Seriously.

On Friday, I went back (since the 2nd shot has to be 24 hours later).  I wait in the waiting room for someone to come and get me, and a nurse comes back there and the first thing she says is "Let me explain how this works".  I just sat there and waited for her to "explain" to me how it worked.  She proceeds..."Since you got your last shot on the 4th".  I interrupted and told her that I had just gotten it the night before.  She proceeds to argue with me!  I can't stand this nurse anyways...she's the same one who used to give us a hard time about doing NSTs with Cameron so early because she was lazy baby!  I was soooooo annoyed!  I told her it took an hour the night before and she told me it would probably take just as long that night.  And it did.  But, I got the shot, and the nurse who actually gave the shot was super nice.  She asked a few questions, and agreed that we just want to do whatever we need to make sure the babies get her safe and sound!

It was an overall frustrating experience, but at least we have that part done. 

We now have the nursery most of the way done.  The crib and changing table/dresser have been in there for a while and set up.  I just needed to clean the room because it's been a junk room for the last 4 years.  I'm finally almost done!  I made the letters for her wall (which I think turned out great!) and they are hung.  All of her clothes are washed and ready to go.  We have to get the swing and car seat down from the attic and wash all the covers on it, but we are slowly, but surely getting there!

 I feel ginormous, but here's a belly pic from 31w2d (almost 2 weeks ago)...

But, we are in the home stretch and getting there.  I still have Christmas shopping I have to do, and would like to be done by the end of the month, but I don't know that it's happening...but, I am sure going to try.  We also have a breastfeeding class starting next week (2 nights)...we also still have to pack much to do and so little time!


Forgive me...I'm going to whine for just a bit...I started this post last week, and got sleepy and didn't finish it. 

We had decided early on that this pregnancy would be our last as long as everything ends the way it should.  The further we progress into pregnancy, the more sure I am every day. 

Evyn is doing great (other than being on the chunky side...just like her sister was!).  But, 3 pregnancies in 3 years has taken a toll on this poor body of mine. 

Most days I struggle to walk.  It's a physical, debilitating pain.  I seriously look like I am about 95 years old when I get up and start walking.  My Dr. thinks I may have a slipped pelvic bone, which could be fixed with physical therapy...but with as big as Evyn is, she suspects it would happen again before delivery. 

A week after that REALLY started bothering me so left wrist, hand, and sometimes full arm started hurting.  My Dr. thinks it's pregnancy induced carpal tunnel.  Let me tell you how much fun it is...IT'S NOT!  It HURTS!  Once my arm started hurting, my pelvic bone started feeling better.  Since Friday though, I've had relatively no pain in my wrist or arm, which has been great!  However, it seems as if I can't be pain free at all...because the pain in my pelvic bone...yeah, it's back...and full force.  But, I'll be honest...I would rather it hurt than my wrist and arm.  At least when my pelvic bones hurt, once I move for a little while, it gets better.  The wrist and arm...there's not relief when it hurts.

I'm cherishing every moment of this pregnancy as it is going to be my last...but, I wish I could do it without all the pain...But, I guess isn't the saying "no pain, no gain?". 

This too shall pass...I just may whine throughout it.  :)