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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Recipe Submissions

Hello! First of all, I want to take the time to thank you for helping us on our journey to becoming parents. Each recipe submission and recipe book purchase helps put us one step closer to our goal.

After 4 years of infertility, we are no strangers to heartbreak. We have experienced 2 early miscarriages in 2008 and the loss of our precious daughter Bailey at 23 weeks on April 30, 2010. But, we have never given up hope. Our dream has not changed, but we have decided to take a different path and pursue adoption.

This recipe book will be created using recipes submitted by you. You can submit one or ten recipes if you want. You can tell me why you chose the recipe. Was it a comfort food? Did you crave it during your pregnancy? Is it just something you love? I ask that you give detailed instructions for each recipe you send. I will give each person credit for their recipe. I also plan on putting a page (or pages) dedicated in the memory of our babies, with their names listed. Throughout the book will be resources, facts, and ways to memorialize your baby’s name. If there is something you would like to see in this recipe book, please let me know your suggestion, and I will see if it is something I can make happen.

Please complete the template at the end of this letter and e-mail all recipes to by February 10, 2010.

Once this is completed, I will take orders for recipe books and will get them printed and shipped. I hope to keep costs low (it will not be fancy by any means) and sell the recipe books for $10-$15 (prices are NOT set…this is just an idea).

Thank you for your support and helping us get to our dream!

With Love,

Recipe Submission


Location (optional):

Baby’s Name and Birthdate:

Blog address (optional):

Fact regarding loss or infertility (optional):

Recipe Name:

Recipe Instructions (Be specific):


The Sancken's said...

Hello. I will get you some recipes, tonight hopefully. But I definitely want a book. And if you don't mind, I'd like to ask some of my relatives if they'd like one (I have lots of cookers in my family, lol.). I'm thinking I'll need about 5 in total. Thanks. And I really think this will be a big hit for you guys!! Good luck!

Allison said...

This is such a wonderful idea, Danae. What a meaningful and special way of raising funds for the adoption as well as remembering Bailey (and helping others remember their babies too!). I would be so honored to participate. I was talking to my husband this morning about what recipes to submit. xoxo

Violet1122 said...

I'll have some recipes to submit - just give me a few days to get some stuff together! I think this is a wonderful idea!

Deanna said...

I will get you a recipe or two as well, I would also like to know when everything is complete as I will be buying at least one copy! Also, I have given you a blog award! :)

Jessica said...

Check out my blog I gave you an award! And I plan to send you a recipe soon :)