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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

First High Risk Appointment

I had my first high-risk appointment with the perinatologist yesterday afternoon.  I spent majority of the day having massive anxiety, because I was so afraid something was going to be wrong with CB.  The other part of my anxiety was because I had NO idea what to expect.

We got to our appointment and first thing we did was have an extensive ultrasound done.  It was nice to have an ultrasound done, because I wasn't really expecting it.  This was more extensive than even my 18 week ultrasound with Bailey.  Yesterday, I was 11w5d and CB was measuring at 12w1d with a heartrate of 163 bpm!  We got pictures of his/her feet and hands and good picture of the face (looks like a little martian) and then a regular profile picture.  All development of the brain, bladder, and stomach looked normal.  She also did an internal ultrasound to measure my cervix.  She didn't share those measurements.

Dr. Mirabile came in shortly after she was done and did another ultrasound and said that CB looked really good and he was pleased.  He offered to do the NT screening and we decided to go ahead and have that done since it was non-invasive testing.  He also did a physical check of my cervix and said it was closed, firm, and something else.

We scheduled to have the cerclage placed on April 1st at 7:00 a.m.  We have to be at Mercy at 5:00 a.m. to check in.  I have prescriptions for afterwards and they said no food or water for 8 hours prior to the procedure.  That one will stink because I wake up during the night and am horribly thirsty.  But, I am not going to risk it, because they said if I do eat or drink after the time, they will cancel the procedure.  I need that done so hopefully CB will hang out up there until the end, so I will survive without.

So, cerclage on April 1st and then next appointment with MFM on April 26th.  That will put me in my 16th week, so I am hoping that they will do another ultrasound at that time, and MAYBE we can find out what little CB is!  I can't wait to find out!

So, so far, so good...and that's all we can ask for right now.  We'll continue loving this little one for as long as he or she gets to be with us...and hopefully, that's for the rest of my lifetime.


Rhiannon said...

Yay for a good appt! I will be thinking of you and CB on April 1st!

Lisette said...

Glad your appointment went well and praying all goes well on April 1st.

Allison said...

YEAH! So much good news! I am thrilled for you, Adam, and CB. <3 <3 <3 I will be sending you lots of good thoughts next week!

Violet1122 said...

I am so glad things are going so well! April 1st is coming up soon - and I know you will breathe a sigh of relief once that cerclage is placed.

There is nothing like seeing your little baby healthy and thriving on an ultrasound, is there?

Sending big hugs...

LookItsJessica said...


I know I commented once but I just wanted to tell you that this post gave me a lot of hope. When I get pregnant I will be high risk and get a cerclage as well. Sending prayers!!