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Saturday, April 16, 2011

It's a..........

Yesterday, we went for my follow-up appointment at MFM.  I was expecting to get my cervix checked and make sure all was going well after getting the cerclage placed.  Someone came and got us and took us back to an ultrasound room.  She told me she was going to ultrasound my cervix and then she would do a regular ultrasound so we could see how baby was doing.

She checked my cervix and she said it looked great.  She came back in and started ultrasounding CB.  She asked if we wanted to find out what we were having.  We told her we did and asked her if it was too early. She said it might be, but she would try and see what she could see...and what did she see?

She didn't see any boy parts and she saw 3, CB is a girl!  After we finished with her, we had to wait for about an hour for my Dr. because he had to perform an emergency c-section.  Once he came in and started looking, he also asked if we knew what we were having.  We told him the u/s tech "thinks" it's a girl.  He said "well, that just won't do!  Let's look again and see if we can confirm that!".  So, Dr. Mirabile looked again, and he said "Yup, it's a girl!  That definitely looks like a vajayjay!".  It took everything I had not to crack up laughing, because I really didn't expecting him to say that!

So, we are going with the girl ruling unless we find out otherwise in a few weeks!  We are very excited, and Adam was grinning from ear to ear.

So, CB is no longer "it" or "he or she".  CB is "she" and she has a name!  CB is officially Cameron Bailey!  We decided to keep Bailey as part of the name if we had a girl, because we want her to know about her big sister.

We are excited, but still nervous at the same time.  Like I day at a time...with both of our little girls.


Natasha said...

Congrats on your baby girl! Love her name!

bibc said...

congratulations on baby CB :+) im soo glad to hear that everything looks great.

Dana said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you! I love that your doctor took another look. Her name is beautiful. I love that Bailey is her middle name.

Jill said...

Congrats and I love the name! We couldn't wait to find out the sex and name our baby.

Heather said...

Congrats on a girl!!! Finding out gender is one of the most exciting parts of pregnancy.

Michelle said...

congrats!! <3

Rhiannon said...

Congratulations! Another baby girl, how exciting! She has a beautiful name :)

Allison said...

Congratulations! <3 It sounds like Cameron is doing so well! Bailey must be so proud of her mommy and little sister <3 <3 <3 I am cheering you and Cameron on!
And I really love her name! :)