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Monday, July 25, 2011

29w4d MFM Appointment

Today we went for our MFM appointment.  Cameron was super bouncy and would not sit still and it was so funny!  Our u/s tech was really nice (which they all have been nice, but some are just more "to the point" than others) but was a little rough with the ultrasound wand at times.  She gave us lots of pictures and then even burned them onto a CD for us!

Cameron is still measuring ahead (they didn't tell us how much this time, but I think it's still close to 2 weeks based on what I was gathering when I was watching them take measurements) and she is weighing in at 3 lbs 15 oz! 

She tried to hide behind the placenta again when they were doing 4D pictures (like she always does), but they still got a couple of good ones!

I got tickled at times because the u/s tech would move the wand and dig into my belly and as soon as she would move it away, Cameron would kick back.  It was almost like "you poke me, I'll poke you!".  It was amusing. 

Dr. M. thinks everything looks great and he is very pleased with how everything is going.  I see him again in 3 weeks for another cervical check (which was about 3cm today, no shortening or anything) and then one more time after that for a final growth check, and then we are released from his care!  His parting words as he finished up his part of checking was "You better get to decorating, because she's sticking around!".  I really hope he's right. 

I picked up my LAST vial of P17 shots today (5 shots left to go!).  I reflected on the fact that we are 7w2d (plus a few hours) away from meeting this little girl.  I am so excited and so nervous at the same time!  This weekend is my first baby shower and I just marvel at the fact that we have actually gotten far enough to have a baby shower this time!  At times I am afraid someone is going to pinch me and wake me up and tell me it is all just a dream.

I leave you with a few photos from our u/s today...
A nice profile shot

Feet crossed and relaxing...

And my favorite from today - the 4D of her looks like she was smiling at us!


Allison said...

Cameron already has quite the personality! What a cutie! :-) Her pictures are precious, and I especially love her smile! I can't wait to meet her! <3

Rhiannon said...

I love the pictures and the smile!! So darn cute :)